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Suns Of Wiraqocha

When man appeared on Earth, our planet was a cold and dark place, ruled by the Great Gods Yanañamca and Tutañamca, lords of darkness and night.

In the Tiwanaku region, the Great Gate of the Sun was created, a dimensional portal that the people used as a place of veneration when the first rays of light that the God Wiraqocha offered to the world arrived.

He had pity on men and sent his Los Auquis, small gods who took the form of animals and helped the great gods and the Great Wiraqocha in their labors.

They were represented by men as: the monkey, the hummingbird and the spider with the mission of rescuing the stolen suns. Arriving at the different worlds that were found in the Sun Gate.

Yanañamca and Tutañamca; great enemies of Wiraqocha, took advantage of this to take revenge on him.

Enemy Puma Enemy Amaru

They ruled the world at the beginning of times; long before the Gods and minions took charge of the earth together.

The night had no end...

...and men prayed to the Great Wiraqocha for help, hoping that he would not let life on earth wither away...

He had pity on men and sent his Auquis, with the mission of: rescuing the stolen suns.

Now, your mission will be to choose one of the Auquis, and

recover the suns that have been hidden in the different worlds.

But be careful! The realms are guarded by demons who assist the Gods Yanañamca and Tutañamca.

Don't let them kill you!

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